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Mover is a packer plugin to move and separate files (also recursively in sub-directories) by number, extension/type or a customizable date format. If the source list of files contains sub-directories, these sub-directories will be recreated in the target directory maintaining the original directory structure.

Compared to the legacy plugins (Danish Mover, English Mover or French Mover) by Franck8244 it comes with the following enhancements
- Support of Unicode encoded file names
- Support for 64-bit TC
- Also works in branch view, since the specified directory (of the target panel) is used as target directory.
- Also considers directory trees.

Категория: Архиваторные плагины
Статус: Open-Source
Автор: Thomas Beutlich
Добавлен: 1.07.2019
Обновлен: 7.07.2019
Количество скачиваний: 4907


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Все о Total Commander © 2001-2012
Идея, программирование, дизайн и поддержка, © Andrei Piasetski