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Alternative English Interface 6.58


WCMD_ENG1.MNU and WCMD_ENG2.MNU are alternative menus for TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for Tabs, FTP and Windows (Desktop, My Computer, Control Panel, Fonts, Printers, Recycle Bin and Network Neighbourhood). WCMD_ENG1.MNU has a single "View" menu which is common to both file panels, while WCMD_ENG2.MNU has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (as Norton Commander).

WCMD_ENG1.LNG and WCMD_ENG2.LNG are identical to TC's internal dialog, but the use of these two files makes it easy to change language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose "English 1" or "English 2" in the language dialog.

Категория: Языковые файлы и меню
Статус: freeware
Автор: Peter H. S. Madsen (petermad)
Добавлен: 10.06.2005
Обновлен: 28.04.2008
Количество скачиваний: 10782

Alternative English Interface

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Все о Total Commander © 2001-2012
Идея, программирование, дизайн и поддержка, © Andrei Piasetski