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CudaLister for source code files. Based on ATSynEdit component and CudaText editor.
Supports "lexers" to highlight many syntaxes, they are files in the "lexers" subfolder. You can install more lexers by unpacking zip files from . You can select any lexer, or encoding, via click on the statusbar. You can edit current file, by unchecking "Read only" in the context menu, can save file on exit too. You can call Options dialog, via right-click menu.
Категория: Плагины встроенного просмотрщика
Статус: Open-Source
Автор: Alexey Torgashin
Добавлен: 19.10.2017
Обновлен: 22.01.2025
Количество скачиваний: 47060
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